FAQs: Younique Guest Questions Admin Team FAQs: Younique Guest Questions Admin Team

How many days should I spend in Bicheno?

The short answer: you can see all that Bicheno has to offer in 2 days but we recommend at least 3 days to really immerse in this magical place. If, like many travellers, you are using your Bicheno accommodation as a base to explore up and down the east coast, consider 5 days in Bicheno. Read on to discover our 2-day Bicheno itinerary for those who only have 48-hours to explore Bicheno. 

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FAQs: Younique Guest Questions Admin Team FAQs: Younique Guest Questions Admin Team

Should I stay in Bicheno or Coles Bay?

At Younique Stays we love receiving questions from our future guests and here’s one that we get asked quite a bit: Is it better to stay in Bicheno or Coles Bay? It’s not an easy one to answer, but we’re up for the challenge! Both spectacular locations, let’s try to tackle this one, step by step. Read on to discover YOUNIQUE STAYS FAQ: Your travel questions, answered.

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